divendres, 20 d’agost del 2010

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Wishing everyone a lovely weekend! -- Inspired by Soulemama --

Que tingueu un bon cap de setmana!
¡Que paseis un buen fin de semana!

Cap al tard les cigonyes tornen als seus nius, per dormir als pinacles i punts més alts de totes les esglésies de la ciutat. El dia que vam arribar passaven per sobre de casa i fins ahir no les vaig tornar a veure.

Por la tarde las cigüeñas vuelven a sus nidos, para dormir en los pináculos y puntos más altos de todas las iglesias de la ciudad. El día que llegamos pasaban por encima de casa y hasta ayer no las volví a ver.

6 comentaris:

  1. Oh, that reminds me of the book "The Wheel on the School"! Do storks have the same myth around them as we have here -that they bring babies??

  2. so beautiful all of them flying so high in the sky! I didn't know that storks liked to find the highest pinnacle to rest upon! Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Okay, my second comment. I understand some Spanish and spent only a bit of time in Sevilla 10 years ago. But I didn't know until looking at the Google translator that the other language in which you write is Catalan! How different it is from Spanish.

  4. Yes, Phyllis, they bring babies from Paris!!!!

  5. caray avui ,vaig tar, soc la tercera en fer comentari !!!!.ref a les cigonyes , fa mitja por tanta cigonya , no n'habia vist mai tantes de juntes. nosaltres dema si va bo i la tramontana, el mestral,el garbi, el mitjor, el vent de mar, el marejol, o el mar de fondo ens hu permeten intentarem anar a navegar . roser
